We have compiled a small list of top 19 ways how Kubernetes helps In DevOps. And how it can be one of the best choices any devops expert could make during the design phase of DevOps structure.
Being able to fully comprehend the need of the future. And then making implementations accordingly is how technology and innovation works. That is the same analogy in case of the DevOps. It took the cloud computing technology a considerable amount of time to catch up; and fully implement the assets of DevOps such as in this specific case is Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open source framework which is designed to improve the overall agility offered by the DevOps systems. It can help in the development, management, automation, configuration and deployment of the resources. New features could be developed with the help of DevOps to speed up agility and performance.
It is advised for the professionals of today to indulge within Kubernetes certification. This helps to better understand its working and understand what they are lacking in their pursuit of continuous automation. Anyhow, DevOps is all about collaboration, delivery automation and the development of a performable platform. This is what DevOps care about and lean towards. So, how does Kubernetes can help in the achievement of these systems or to help enable them. Following are the 10 ways in which Kubernetes can enable DevOps;
How Kubernetes helps In DevOps
1. Deployment automation
Using the DevOps trajectory you must be able to automate every facet of your container based delivery pipeline. And this is what Kubernetes is all about. It would help you to automate the deployment of the container based images in an agile and continuous fashion.
2. Infrastructure as code
Kubernetes can help you to aspire from each and every element of DevOps. Infrastructure as code is one of them. It helps you to transpire each and every element of your infrastructure as viable and interpretable code. Thus taking each and every part of it and then running it according to the instructions stored within the data. It can thus help you to automatically and consistently deploy and manage your infrastructure in a profound way.
3. Configuration as code
Configurations are hard to come by and are a tedious job for the admins to follow up. These configurations taking into account the individual containers. With the help of Kubernetes this issue itself is resolved as it can help you configure your configurations as code. And then make applications absorb the code and act by the lines of instructions written with it. Thus, making available the infrastructure as code tendency.
4. Immutable infrastructure
Since the very beginning of the servers and their operation there has been a problem lurking around such as when you put out a fire within the server maintenance the obvious state of the server is also changed. This can be of a lot of problem for the professionals because they might know how server works and all that but still can’t be able to recreate it after a harsh event. This is where Kubernetes come to the rescue as it can help the professionals to create immutable containers and are created when there is a problem within the original server system, hence the professionals have procured here the basic code for the original servers.
5. On-demand infrastructure
Scalability is what follows the DevOps environment, it is the ability to scale up or scale down at any given instance that has been taking the DevOps systems by the knuckles and what organizations look forward to. Kubernetes can help the professionals to be responsive according to the demand of a special something, such as in this particular case you can develop hybrid systems, services and infrastructure with the help of Kubernetes and it would still be operational and controllable like any other.

6. Kubernetes helps In DevOps in Environment consistency
Kubernetes is basically the only tool in all of the wide DevOps environment that allows the environment consistency such as it would allow the professionals to create or develop a golden copy/image of the systems and then be able to deploy the same thing whenever necessary. This provides the users with a same and consistent development oriented environment they are accustomed to. This way you can take your work on any given operating system be it Windows, Linux, OS or server based technology.
7. Continuous Delivery pipeline
DevOps is based on the principle of continuous integration, development and then deploying all these assets after they are being tested to the definitive customers. Continuous automaton is what keeps the ball rolling and is the esteemed quality of the Kubernetes as a tool that it can help the professionals to automate each and every thing within a continuous delivery based pipeline requiring less and less manual integration.
8. Zero downtime deployments
When you are facing consistent deployment of the systems all at the same time then you can’t implicitly ask development team to get control of the deployments as well. Not only it would increase the downtime on rolling out new updates and development of other systems but it would also help to create new pipelines and environments using which the process of deployment can be shifted to a separate base. This would not affect the uptime of your development and operations at all.
9. Kubernetes helps In DevOps in A/B testing
You must require the real-world test results in order to make consecutive changes to the delivery of the systems or changing the layout as well as the colours of various integrations or buttons or quite like any other thing which needs revision. Kubernetes allows you to do just that by outsourcing different variations of the same products to the customers and then getting the live feedback off of it.
10. Cross-functional collaboration
This is like the best of the DevOps wrapped into a single element and Kubernetes can make that happen with the help of creating a definitive environment in which cross-reference analogy is possible. Such as development might be able to push to the production and other varietals such as infosec team might have access to the containers building systems, but of course it should be done with implicating dedicated and special authorizations to these users.