Improve Cybersecurity

Every size business from small to large is at the risk of a cyber-attack, and the number of data breaches is increasing day-by-day. More than millions of records are stolen every day, and critical business details are used for money extortion. In numbers, approximately 3.8 million business records are stolen and over 30,000 websites are hacked every single day.

There’s an alarming increase in the number of cyber-attacks and every year more and more promising businesses become a victim to cybercrime. That’s the reason why many businesses are making cybersecurity a priority and encouraging employees to learn cybersecurity. Raising awareness, implementing robust security solutions, and educating the workforce is the only way to tackle the issues & problems relating to cybersecurity.

Battling with highly proficient cybercriminals is not easy but is surely not impossible and there are many proven ways through which a business can improve their cybersecurity. Here are the five popular ways to improve cybersecurity:

  • Develop a Comprehensive Cybersecurity Plan

Many businesses believe implementing firewalls and security measures is all you need to protect your business from the cyber-attack. Such plans often fail as somehow cybercriminals always find a way to breach security and exploit data. These measures surely protect businesses from external threats but in truth, the majority of cyber-attacks happen internally. Cybercriminals have learned the art of utilizing social engineering to attack a business from the inside.

That’s why developing a comprehensive cybersecurity plan is utterly important as it not only focuses on prevention but also considers threat mitigation, risk assessment, and problem resolution. Preparing for an inevitable cyber-attack and having a plan to approach a cybersecurity concern is better than thinking no attack will ever occur.

  • Use Two-Step Authentication

The simplest and one of the most effective ways to improve the cybersecurity of a business or personal account is to implement two-step authentication. No degree of emphasis is enough to signify the importance of protecting a business password, and implementing additional layers of security such as two-step authentication always works in favor of the business.

Two-step authentication has become a gold standard in the realm of cybersecurity and is consistently followed by big companies such as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. Another important reason why it is incredibly popular is its simple to easy and easy to customize. Such simple password protection measures go a long way to helping your business improve the standards of cybersecurity.

  • Use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

A virtual private network (VPN) is designed solely to make you feel more protected and secure. Using a generic network with vulnerable security measures is an accident waiting to happen. The majority of businesses had made virtual private networks mandatory as there is no way to improve cybersecurity without augmenting the standards of network security.

The need to implement and use VPNs is amplified with the increase in the mobility of the employees. Nowadays, employees often work remotely and business networks are at increased risk of a cyber-attack. Many businesses are also reinforcing their employees with the knowledge of network security fundamentals by providing them the resources required to learn cybersecurity.

  • Training the Workforce & Security Team

The best way to improve cybersecurity is by training the workforce and providing them with the tools & knowledge required to fight against cyber-attacks. The majority of cyber-attacks happen due to the lack of awareness of the employees who allow cyber criminals an easy passage into the business network. No cybersecurity solution can work effectively until and unless employees are not fully aware of the dos and don’ts of cybersecurity.

Training the workforce with the ways to identify and report phishing and spear-phishing cyber-attacks is the best preventive measure to save your network from being hacked. Hackers commonly use phishing to infiltrate through the security system and get the hold of viable business data. A properly trained workforce knows how now to respond to phishing attacks and what to do in an event of such a cybersecurity issue.

  • Always Keep Your System and Software Up to Date

Outdated software is a vulnerable software and there’s no room for outdated software in your business enterprise system. Unpatched software had been the root cause of many cyber-attacks and the biggest example lies in the shape of Equifax. One of the most devastating cybersecurity data breaches in the Equifax system happened due to an outdated software vulnerability. That’s why updating your software regularly is one of the most important ways to prevent your business or personal system from exploitation.

The Last Words

The best way to improve cybersecurity is to walk on a road of continuous improvement and learning is key to understanding cyber-attacks and mitigating associated risks. Keeping this in view, it is best to learn cybersecurity online and prepare yourself and your business to fight against these ever-rising cyber-attacks.

By Sadia Khan

I am a digital marketer who believes that the right content promoted on the right platform at the right time is the key to success. I help businesses to promote and sell their products and services to customers via the organic medium. My expertise is to create a brand reputation in the market using various content marketing strategies. My goal in life is to provide value and not just sell the product. I am a strategic planner, a critical thinker, and a project manager who knows how to communicate effectively and collaborate successfully.