Career As A Web Developer

Web development can be defined as the process of converting layouts designed by web designers into functional websites. Web development can be split into three categories.

  1. Front End Web Development

A Front end web developer is some who uses client side languages (HTML, CSS and JS) to create rich visual elements of a website. Front end development is the most popular and in demand field in the web development arena.

  1. Back End Web Development

Contrary to front end development, backend web development includes all web aspects that run behind the scenes. Users won’t see this work but backend development lays the entire structure and functional framework of a website. Backend developer choose a server side languages like PHP or Node JS and specialize with it in their web developer training.

  1. Full Stack Web Development

Full stack developer is someone who possesses the skills on both front end and back end developers. Full stack web developers are the complete package and are able to manage entire web projects on their own. Becoming a full stack web developer is a lengthy process and requires rigorous training.

To choose between these three is more of a personal choice for example if you enjoy creating visual elements and are more inclined towards user interface development, you should opt for front end development. If you are someone who enjoys coding and building complex algorithms, backend development is right for you. And if you want to become a complete package by training for both front and backend technologies who should go for the full-stack web development path.

When it comes to choosing between web development specializations is a matter of preference there is no right or wrong in this. All kinds of web developers are high in demand at top tech organizations.

Skills required to become a Web Developer:

To get better understanding of the web developer training let us take a quick glance over the skills required for web development:

  1. Front End Programming Languages:

The most essential languages and techniques a front end web developer must be trained with are:

  • HTML

The Hyper Text Markup Language is the building block of the web. When you visit any website from our computer or mobile, the web browser reads the html tags and translates them into elements such as headings, text and images. At its very core all website are made of HTML and all other frameworks are advanced ways to write dynamic HTML.

  • CSS

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is another foundational language for the web. CSS is responsible for all of the visual element styling in a website. Without valid CSS a website would be no different from a Word document. In any web developer training CSS is taught as a foundational block to enhance your web design skills to practical use.

  • JavaScript

JavaScript is the most powerful programming languages for the web. Over the years JavaScript has evolved from being a language that can add interactivity into a webpage to an entire web platform used to developing complex web applications. JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, React JS and Vue JS have become immensely popular and essential for any web developer to know.

JavaScript is not limited to web, frameworks like Angular JS are used to build native and hybrid mobile applications are built on top on native JavaScript.

  1. Back End Programming Languages:

The most essential languages and techniques a back end web developer must be trained with are:

  • PHP

As of today PHP is the most popular server side programming language globally and with popular CMS platforms like WordPress and Magento being powered by PHP it is very unlikely that this trend would change. PHP essentially takes in dynamic functions and translate it into HTML elements. Unlike HTML, PHP code can communicate with the server and database and that is why most server side operations are handled with PHP code.

In any web developer training it is essential to learn at least the basic of PHP in order to understand and execute simple tasks such as contact form submission.

  • Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Ruby is a popular server side programming platform that mainly focuses on making processes simpler. Ruby is more flexible than PHP but less popular in terms of usage (not many web platforms are built with Ruby). However, Ruby comes extremely handy when you are working on machine learning algorithms. Ruby has easier syntax hence making it easy to handle large scale codes than PHP.

  • Python

Python is based on OOPS and is primarily a backend development language but can be used in front end operations as well. Python allows developers to generate dynamic components with ease.

How to learn these skills?

As the web development industry has gained popularity many online web developer trainings have picked up pace. The primary advantage of undergoing an online web developer training is that it focuses on the HOW rather than a WHAT, which simply means that online web developer trainings focus on practical skills more over theoretical knowledge.

Most entry level developers are worried about whether they should have the mathematical skills or a conventional college degree to land to web developer job. I can assure you that is not the case, companies looking to hire web developer’s focus only on their skills.

Check out our web developer training where we put you on track towards becoming a skilled full stack web developer. Our web developer training focuses of foundational languages and go as far as teaching complex machine algorithms and programming.

How to land a job as a Web Developer?

After completing your web developer training your journey has just began, the most important towards career growth is to put yourself out there in the market. Follow these key steps at will 100% get you an interview change with big tech organization hiring web developers:

  • Create a project website to showcase as your portfolio
  • Use all of your skills smartly on your portfolio website to showcase your talent
  • Don’t oversell yourself! Understand what you can do and cannot do.
  • Only apply for positions that are relevant to your skill set

If hope this article has been of some help in developing your interest in web development. If you what you get started check out our web developer training where we teach in demand skills that you can learn at your own time from the comfort of your home.

By Sadia Khan

I am a digital marketer who believes that the right content promoted on the right platform at the right time is the key to success. I help businesses to promote and sell their products and services to customers via the organic medium. My expertise is to create a brand reputation in the market using various content marketing strategies. My goal in life is to provide value and not just sell the product. I am a strategic planner, a critical thinker, and a project manager who knows how to communicate effectively and collaborate successfully.