Top 10 vscode extensions - uncookednews - vscode marketplace

In this article, we will be looking at the Top 10 vscode extensions. But before that let’s shed some light on vscode itself. vscode is one of the most preferred code editors. It is currently ranked as the most favorite code editor throughout developer communities. There are many reasons for its massive success including a large marketplace, nice linters, and extensions. vscode since its beginning gained popularity since it was released by Microsoft. Microsoft already had a code editor called visual studio, but that was not only a separate code editor. Rather it focused on full-fledged software developers (mostly on C++ and . Net).

Microsoft knew that the market was way bigger than themselves. Hence they felt the Gap in the market and filled it in an awesome way via VsCode. vscode itself is relatively lightweight as compared to Visual Studio. It provides the user more ease to choose the configurations they want, either manually or by adding third-party extensions. These extensions can be added on top of each other as well. Hence in theory every VsCode code user could have a totally unique setup, tailored to their individual preferences and likings.

VsCode marketplace

The vsCode marketplace is huge and has almost had an extension for everything. The cool thing about this marketplace is that absolutely anyone can make an extension and upload it there for others to use. And it is completely free. Hence people (developers) use these extensions and rank them. Since developers are the people using these extensions. It’s relatively easier for developers to rate these extensions and find the faulty ones with bugs. This means that only the best and usable extensions get more downloads and better rankings.

The marketplace is definitely a feature that every developer should check out. Even if they are still in the decision phase as to which code editor to choose, the marketplace will surely convince them.

Top 10 vscode extensions

Here are the top 10 vscode extensions which are mostly used by experienced professionals throughout the world.

  1. Auto reame tag
  2. Prettier
  3. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
  4. EsLint
  5. LiveServer
  6. CSS Peek
  7. Document This
  8. Snippets (Angular, React, Vue, etc)
  9. REST Client
  10. Git History

These are the most famous extensions you can find in vscode marketplace and are largely used by developers. Every single one of them is for separate use cases. Please see more on their functionalities by searching them over at vscode marketplace.

To search in vscode marketplace, open up your vscode editor. Click on the extension icon in the left bar, then copy-paste any one of the above-mentioned extension names and hit search. There you can see a description of the extension, what it does, who developed this extension, and just how many people use it and have loved it.

Top 10 vscode extensions – conclusion

If you setting up your vscode for the first time then you cannot go wrong by picking and starting off with any one of these extensions. As these were made only to ease the process of development and make it faster. The development surely speeds up when things are more conveniently organized and relative helper tools/helper functions can be called upon at the time of need.

That is like the main goal of these extensions to provide optimization and a helping mechanism to speed up your awesome development