web designer vs web developer

As it seems both the terms web developer and web designer might look the same, but there is a lot of difference between them. For starters, web designers are the professionals who are tasked with the duty to design a website effectively, take care of all the formats, layouts, colors, themes, and backgrounds that accompany the website. Web developers, on the other hand, provide more stoic services such as the development of complete website infrastructure, developing it in relation to the services that would be provided by the website to the customers, and mainly how the website would run.

Apart from this, a general difference between both professionals is given below, however it is advised that you determine the base knowledge of both professionals and use this analogy to compare them head to head. So, without further ado lets get right into it.

Web Designer VS Web Developer

  1. Job Descriptions, Duties and Work Experience of the Professionals

What Web Designers Do?

Web designers are usually responsible for the visual aesthetics of the websites and how they can use their creative skills and knowledge of the subject to provide the website with a lively feel. They are responsible for the look and feel of a website. They can work on various sites of the website such as developing the layouts, templates, logos, illustrations, buttons and other various designing elements. Although these professionals align in the form of UI and UX experts giving them a clear distinction between each other, they both fall under web designing.

UI design means the development of the user interface and it is being done and governed by the web designers all the times. This corresponds to the visual appearance of each and every webpage that the users constantly come in contact with as well as their interaction made via using different modes of technology.

UX designs are programmed to provide eccentric user satisfaction and an overwhelming user experience while using the web along with all the services and products mentioned there. UX structure is aimed to provide the websites with prototype designs that are first tested with the beta users of the programs to be instated on a large scale.

What does a web developer do?

Web developers unlike the web designers don’t focus over the UI of the web related systems such as making the website look stunning and visually sound or anything like that. The sole duty of these professionals is to perform regular checks over the code interface which they have written and proof it every now and then to make sure that the code in fact is clean and shouldn’t cause any abnormalities within the functionality or technicalities of the website.

There are two different yet interesting areas on which the pillars of web development reside. The first is the front-end, and the latter is the back-end development and there are two important purposes to this. Front end development is enrolled to work with the initial or the front side of the website where the user often comes into contact with the website in terms of usage. These may include drop-down menus, scrolling, the addition of various buttons, and other related services that open dedicated pages in new tab, etc. 

Back end development, on the other hand, is much more technical and involves the management of the server database and other related requests controls. You do require a back end developer if there is any dynamic data on-boarding that should be stored safely for incomprehensible lengths of time.

  1. Skillset, Technical Knowledge, and Professional Aptitude

What skills does a web designer have?

Web designers have the skills working with a plethora of the software and the related systems such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CorelDRAW and a variety of others. They have the complete knowledge of how to create or develop the vector images, photographs, animations and other related systems in different formats.

There is one thing that is to be said about the designers that they are creative, in-depth thinkers, imaginative and artistic personalities. They not only have a great sense of the web design or the UI for the customers but also know how to get things done. You must be amazed to know that on average these professionals can come up with great relative ideas and the ending for each and everyone can be worked out as different and unique. They have the ability to convert others’ thoughts into meaningful creatives reflecting in terms of website designing.

What skills does a web developer have?

On the whole what a web developer requires is a keen sense of various coding and programming tools and systems. A web developer needs proper grip over various coding platforms such as; HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other programming languages to work with. Backend developers only work with PHP, Ruby, Python and the ASP.NET. They might also require to write various databases query with the help of the SQL and MySQL systems.

  1. Various jobs for the web designers and web developers

Job Description for web designers

These professionals are responsible for overall performance and styling of the website and provide dedicated visual perception for the users. They are responsible for the prototype designing, carry out the graphic design of the product catalog, carry out various activities of advertising design and also in assisting the developers within the page design and other related work.

In specificity, these web designers are responsible for constructing the best of visuals and looks of the website using the aesthetic knowledge which they have acquired over the years.

Job Description for web developers

There are three phases for web developers such as the junior, senior, and expert levels, with each and every one of them only having a fraction of the difference between them. Obviously, if you are starting out a career, then you would be starting from the basic levels. You might land a junior-level job first, get promoted to senior level, and then become an expert on the topic with the help of continuously updating your skills.