Web Development Trends in 2021

The technology is progressing and evolving at a fast pace. Therefore, following the latest trends and keeping up pace with it is more important than ever. Innovations and trends in technology are massively driven by the internet and the web. Web development trends and techniques have been playing an important role in the advancement of technology. That is why technological interventions are highly dependent on new web development trends.

Several web development trends and techniques came into existence years ago, but still, their importance cannot be undermined. The importance of such trends has to be taken into consideration in 2020 and even in the years coming ahead. However, web development trends change every single year to a greater or lesser extent. Decision-makers need to get themselves familiar with these trends as they need to sustain ever-rising competition and increase their knowledge.

As technology is advancing, new web development trends are being introduced and adopted by developers. These trends cannot be ignored to prepare ourselves for the next big things happening in web development and technology. To survive in an era where constant changes are observed related to the web development field, the current or upcoming trends would not be enough. If you are a web developer and want to stay up front and alive in web development, you must continue your learning process. Web development certifications are a good way to enhance skills. These skills will help to save time while keeping the developers up to date regarding the current trends and demands of the job market.

Web Development Trends and Their Impact

Web development is a highly competitive market, and it is important to foresee the upcoming changes and adopt them. The changes in web development are observed from time to time. Here are some major trends in web development that are observed in 2020. Let’s dive in further and have a look at these trends one by one.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA): Progressive web apps (PWA) is defined as a web-based app that uses special features to deliver a similar native app experience without having to download the app on the hardware. Moreover, they are a suitable and cost-effective solution for companies and organizations which are low on budget to invest in a mobile app.  PWA is not the invention of this year. However, the technology caught the eye of modern developers and companies because of its huge potential of giving high-quality user experience closer to the native apps. Besides providing a great user experience and no need for actual programs, PWA also sends push notifications and provides users with offline access to the content. As per a study, in 2019, 65% of online shopping orders were made with mobile or handheld devices. PWA’s rising popularity makes it an upcoming trend that would dominate the actual mobile applications. Some big technology names have already opted for PWA, e.g., Alibaba, Forbes, Twitter, Pinterest. In the wake of this trend, E-commerce, news websites, companies with a low budget, and those organizations which would like to reach a bigger audience without making them download the app on the device are extremely attentive and are now and taking appropriate steps.

JavaScript and Python: Programming languages have existed since the advent of the internet. From simple to complex, they have moved quite far forward. One of the most common and widely used programming languages nowadays are JavaScript and Python. JavaScript is undoubtedly the most used and recognizable language for some time. However, over the years, Python has also developed a reputation of ‘big name’ and become a massive competitor. JavaScript is considered a programming language mostly used for the creation of dynamic web pages.

In contrast, Python is interpreted as a high-level programming language with a bigger scope that uses wide applications from web applications to data analysis. Big names like Instagram, YouTube, as well as some cloud platforms, can be seen preferring this language. Python holds an advantage over JavaScript with certain features. Such as the better-designed language, which is easier to maintain and a huge standard library. Consequently, the significance and demand of Python are expected to keep growing, which eventually will make it a leader against JavaScript in the future.

Artificial Intelligence and Bots: Web development trends in the past few years have moved towards artificial intelligence (AI). AI is defined as an imitation of human intelligence expressed through machines based on algorithms that are programmed to think and act like human beings.  AI examples are around us all the time. For example, Siri, Google Assistant, and automated solutions, e.g., instant client support on different websites. Chatbots powered with AI, and machine learning are proving themselves to be a huge long-term investment. They are powered to answer FAQ, give information in an emergency, resolve a complaint, and take an order, etc. Some of the huge B2C companies are already using this technology to serve their customers.  Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Skype are some of the good examples. An AI-based bot could also be integrated into PWA, websites, and tech equipment.  AI Bot’s rise will also influence web design trends. Virtual assistant designs are already advancing to make the experience more realistic. The most important advantage of AI Bots is human-like experience, 24/7 problem-solving availability, and consumer behavior analysis.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): Google has been working to enhance the mobile browsing experience for a long time. AMP project was publically announced back in 2015. Since then, it has progressed massively, and nowadays, it’s one of the trends in web development. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) defined as optimized pages that can operate fast with a simplified yet convenient design with only basic features. AMPs are also mobile-friendly, responsive, and easy to read. Such pages usually take about 2 seconds as compared to 22 seconds taken by non-AMP pages. New trends in web development, such as AMP, show that the Internet is becoming speedier and user-oriented. Although most brands choose to improve and develop native apps to make the user experience better. However, in the wake of 5G Internet technology, AMP plugin allows companies to save costs on UX and improve visibility to users with any internet speed.

Voice Search Optimization: Voice search is another trend that can’t be overlooked. The web development future will be less text and more voice. Virtual multifunctional assistants such as Siri, Google Home, or Amazon’s Alexa has already been offering utility to the users. In 2020, users will operate more than half of the smart and IoT devices with commands given by voice. Moreover, with the help of AI, such devices will be able to recognize the voices of different people and provide personalized experience exclusively for everyone. Voice search is an old technology that was implemented more than a decade ago. Over time, it has gained popularity as the daily lives of people are becoming more occupied and fast-paced.

Consequently in 2020, people would prefer to spend less time typing commands as the AI has made devices responsive. Most of the companies are now focusing on Voice Search and puzzling over how to optimize their products for voice commands. Backed with AI, both end-users and owners would reap benefits of voice search for three reasons. Firstly, it is time-saving. Secondly, technology allows for multitasking. Thirdly, it is a powerful source of user behavior analytics.

Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrencies are also not the latest web development technology. The concept of them was officially revealed in 2009. However, in recent years, the crypto trading market was explored with investments. Its extraordinary transformation has been noticed, and the development of blockchains will continue growing further. The usage of cryptocurrency became significantly active, and major online payment systems decided to accept Bitcoins and other currencies. Blockchain technology not only requires hardware and software support, but it also needs legal regulation and proper infrastructure for trading. In the coming years, emerging web technologies are likely to cover those aspects. Blockchain operations should also be safe from all kinds of hacking attacks and technical errors. Moving forward, the blockchain technology and cryptocurrency must become more trusted and accessible for people. It has huge potential to revolutionize the way people pay taxes, interact with financial services, and build a professional relationship.

Internet of Things (IoT): Just like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) is another trend going to shape the future of web development. IoT is a network of interconnected everyday objects and devices that require little to no actions from the users to execute its operations and bring out useful results. Cloud connectivity, another rising trend, is a big reason behind the prominence of IoT. According to Statista, the number of IoT based inter-connected devices reached 26 billion worldwide by 2019. This number is expected to shoot up to 75 billion IoT based inter-connected devices by 2025. The basic reason for IoT to exist, develop, and gain popularity is its ability to make human life easier and convenient. Keeping in view the rising demand for smart devices, the web development industry is growing extremely fast accordingly. Through these highly advanced apps and devices, interaction and control over the objects through the internet has been made possible from thousands of miles. With the likes of payment automation, smart homes, and city technology, e-healthcare development, IoT is intended to make lives easier and smarter.

Cybersecurity: In today’s digital world, everything is connected to the internet, and almost everything is available at your fingertips. Each time we carry out internet-based operations like online payments, sharing personal data, paying taxes, or even setting our smart gadgets, there is always a risk of our data to be stolen. As there are more devices than people, the usage of powerful cybersecurity systems is important to protect personal data, devices, networks, and programs. The rapid increase in the use of smart devices and the internet have hackers to enhance their hacking skills. Therefore, the risk of information theft is getting bigger, and it can cause serious damage. Some of the ongoing threats, as well as future risks, involve the theft of personal identity and information, website hacking, organizations’ portfolios, and secret data, or hijacking of government institutions, etc. Given the fact, companies must focus on strengthening their security systems to protect their confidential information. Moreover, it is important to provide strong cybersecurity programs to individuals as well. Artificial Intelligence is going to play an important role in cybersecurity solutions.

API-First Development: Website development trends nowadays suggest that web-based solutions have to be well-prepared for multiple connectivity options. With the growing usage of internet and internet users, web applications are connected to several databases. The apps communicate to these databases through a system called API. With the rise of the IoT, mobile devices, smart homes, smart cars, gaming systems, wearable technology, and laptops, almost every household item is connected. That’s where the need and tendency for the API-first development approach come from. In the traditional approach, developers start with the user in mind and build from there. Application is usually designed first, and the appropriate APIs are added after that. It means that front-end developers have to wait for back-end developers to develop the API. It makes the processing time consuming and lacks coordination. API-first development is a simultaneous process. No team of developers have to wait for each other to complete the tasks. Resultantly, the process becomes faster since APIs and SDKs are developed concurrently.

Push Notifications: Push notification is considered a brand-new trend in web design. In 2020, notifications will have access to not only mobile apps but to web apps too. From a marketing perspective, push notifications will help in gaining users’ attention and keeping retention rates higher. Moreover, from an interactivity point of view, desktop users will get a similar type of experience they used to get on mobile devices. Facebook, Google Mail, and other huge market players have already implemented this technology into their web apps. Keeping in view the popularity of the trend, push notifications are likely to be adopted by small and medium-sized businesses. Instant notifications will probably also change the mode of communication with customers and users. The web development industry is forecasting demand of ready to use solutions like push notification plugins and web browser push notifications utilities that could easily be integrated into existing blogs, online shopping websites, and other services. Push notification technology will become cheap and accessible to many.

Cloud Computing: In the current digital era, no amount of internal storage is enough. Though, cloud computing has been in trends for many years. It can provide a solution to the recurring problem of internal storage issues. Google Cloud, Dropbox, Microsoft Azure, and AWS are some of the best examples of cloud computing platforms. Through cloud computing, remote servers enable users to have access to the required storage space. The cloud computing trend for 2020 is focusing on multi-cloud and hybrid operations. Google Anthos can be taken as the first example, which aims to combine multiple cloud services and public and private clouds toward the same purpose. The development of cloud computing offers many advantages:

  • Data Security: Cloud computing offers automatic backups that protect data from being lost.
  • Accessibility: Data is readily available anywhere with the use of the internet as well; also, it can be transferred fast and secure.
  • Cost Reduction: It reduces the operational cost with less maintenance and installation of equipment.
  • Mobility: Possibility of using files and data at any time and place without having to carry the physical devices.

Augmented and Virtual Reality: Virtual Reality is defined as a computer-based simulation of reality. It enables the users to visualize the things as in a real environment with the help of Augmented Reality. It includes 3D models, videos, and overlaid computer images. Through recent years, VR and AR have progressed massively and showed notable growth and potential future development. Magical Leap 1 is a good example of development in wearable spatial computers. It brings the physical and digital worlds together by combining 3D computer-generated imagery with real-world subjects through a head-mounted display. Moving forward, here are some of the VR and AR-based trends that the world will see in 2020:

  • The use of Virtual Reality in the healthcare industry will increase. It will help in treating patients with anxiety disorders and phobias.
  • A super-fast 5G mobile network connectivity will allow streaming VR and AR data from the cloud.
  • The distance education experience will be improved as people will have the chance to learn in a cooperative team-based environment.

Motion UI: The goal of every brand/product is to be as engaging and attractive as possible. For past years, startups kept paying more attention to user experience and invest lesser resources in the aesthetics. However, in recent times, companies have realized that aesthetically pleasing websites and apps have higher chances to be noticed by potential users. The visual design has become the question of the marketing strategy instead of software engineering. Although motion user interface design has been in trend since 2018, SASS libraries technology has made widely accessible for any device user. Motion UI library is a perfect solution to capture users’ attention with beautiful animations. The library is capable of animating design elements. It’s flexible enough to work with any JavaScript framework, which makes it a great option for many use cases. Motion UI makes digital products usage intuitive and clear. The custom animation integration and CSS transitions are powered by stand-alone libraries with several options of animated elements. Through these elements, ’ developers spend less time on digital product building and save the costs of product owners. In 2020, the motion UI future of web design seems to be increasing as SASS libraries are flexible, easy to use with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and are highly responsive.

Responsive Websites (RWD): The web development trends for 2020 are being crowded with relatively new technologies like PWAs and AMPs. However, responsive websites issue can’t be avoided while discussing trends of 2020. The RWD concept was established almost five years ago when mobile devices were actively overtaking the market. In 2019, the majority of search requests were made by the mobile user. Developers and designers are expected to put extra effort into improving their products and make it convenient to use for end-users in both desktop and mobile formats. Here we will discuss at least three options on how to solve the responsive website problem. The idea is to develop either a mobile-first website and make it adaptable to desktop devices by increasing interactivity. Or, create a website in a way that it looks uniform across all platforms and all devices, be it mobile screen or desktop computers. Or, invest in responsive web design (RWD) and address the issue properly by using the same HTML codes with CSS that could modify the execution of the website automatically by giving a user-friendly experience regardless of the devices. Despite being an old issue, the Responsive Website Design approach is likely to gain significant attention in 2020 or even beyond that. The main reason why you need a mobile user-friendly website is that it is the only way to get the right optimization from the search engines. And proper search engine optimization influences competitiveness. In 2020, it is the time to get out of the idea of desktop and mobile versions separation with different content and stand-alone management. Instead, there is a need to work on universal code for all types of devices.

Web Development Certifications

As the competition among companies is increasing in the market, recruiters are looking to hire developers who have hands-on experience and knowledge on the current trends of web development. The rise in the field has created a huge demand for developers. Hence, many companies are now providing certifications and web development bootcamps to enhance the skill set of web developers according to the new trends. QuickStart provides a Full-stack web development Bootcamp program. The program provides both front and back-end programming languages like HTML5, JavaScript, and MySQL, etc. To learn more about the top trends of 2020 web development, contact us.

By Sadia Khan

I am a digital marketer who believes that the right content promoted on the right platform at the right time is the key to success. I help businesses to promote and sell their products and services to customers via the organic medium. My expertise is to create a brand reputation in the market using various content marketing strategies. My goal in life is to provide value and not just sell the product. I am a strategic planner, a critical thinker, and a project manager who knows how to communicate effectively and collaborate successfully.